6 steps to start playing in NAVINATION Hub

Create a FACEIT account
A FACEIT account is the first step to playing in the NAVINATION Hub divisions. FACEIT is the largest competitive CS2 platform in the world.

Subscribe to NAVINATION hub
Your subscription will unlock access to a community of experienced players, 24/7 support and servers with the lowest ping.

Connect your FACEIT account
To enjoy full benefits of a subscription, you need to connect your FACEIT account on our website.

Read the rules
NAVINATION Hub is a place where players must follow a certain set of rules to ensure a comfortable gaming experience for all participants.
Get a role in our TeamSpeak
Before joining the queue, each player must get a role on our TeamSpeak 3 server. The role gives access to the server and the "Teleport" room, which will automatically take you to your team's dedicated voice chat.

Join one of the divisions and play
Completed all of the steps? Join one of the NAVINATION Hub divisions that fit your level and start playing. Good luck in battle!